New Toys”R”Us Solar 5.38 MW Installation To Be Among Nation’s Largest
< 1 min read
Often, when businesses face the challenge of determining whether solar is right for them, a number of questions come to mind… Is there enough of the right kind of space available? Do we use enough electricity to for a solar project to make sense? How much money will I need to build a solar array?
For large businesses like Toys“R”Us, on site solar provides a wide variety of benefits. Toys“R”Us chose Constellation to develop a 5.38 megawatt on-site solar installation at the retailer’s nearly 1.3 million square-foot distribution center in Flanders, New Jersey. The system, among the largest customer-sited rooftop solar installations to-date in the U.S., is expected to generate approximately 6,362,000 kilowatt hours of electricity annually, and to provide nearly 70% of the electricity needed to power the entire facility. Over 20 years, the system will generate the same amount of electricity that without non-renewable resources would result in the release of 97,040 metric tons of carbon dioxide or the equivalent greenhouse gas emissions from 19,020 passenger vehicles.
Constellation Energy financed and built the system and owns and maintains it under a 20-year power purchase agreement with Toys“R”Us. By structuring their project as a Power Purchase Agreement, Toys“R”Us does not have to provide upfront capital.
As part of the Power Purchase Agreement, Constellation Energy will provide approximately 7,500 Green-e Certified®renewable energy certificates (RECs) per year for the next three years to Toys“R”Us for its Times Square store, effectively offsetting 100 percent of the 7,064,800 kilowatt-hours of electricity typically needed to power the store.
Stay tuned for more details about this exciting project in the near future. We are planning to have the system go online very soon.
Published: August 11, 2011
- Tags:
- Customer Solutions
- Solar
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