Market Trends
Natural Gas
Crude Oil
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Market Intel NewsletterTaxes, the Economy and Your Energy Strategy
There’s currently a lot of buzz about the importance of an “integrated strategy” when it comes to energy-related...
Understanding Electricity Price and Capacity Price Adjustment in New England
In a previous blog, we highlighted some tips for navigating a New England energy contract and identifying some of...
Massachusetts Town Selects Constellation to Meet their Unique Energy Needs
The town of Somerset, Massachusetts chose Constellation as their energy supplier because of their ability to meet the unique...
July Market Intel Webinar Recap
During Constellation’s July Energy Market Intel Webinar, principals from our Commodities Management Group (CMG) examined primary fundamentals driving...
Register for our Upcoming Webinar
Register for our September 19, 2018 Energy Market Intel Webinar and learn about the energy market trends that may affect your future contracting decisions. The webinar will take place at 2:00 PM Eastern.